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The Importance of Fall Pre-emergents

Jason Dorsey • Oct 12, 2023

The Importance of Pre-emergent in the fall

for warm season turf.

To get the most effective results, it's essential to apply pre-emergent herbicides at the right time and follow manufacturer recommendations regarding product selection and application rates. This requires application equipment that is well maintained and calibrated. Using equipment that isn’t calibrated can cause you to under or over apply the product to your lawn causing damage to your turf. Additionally, it's crucial to consider the specific type of warm-season grass you have, as some varieties may have slightly different timing requirements for pre-emergent applications. Consulting with a local horticulture or lawn care expert can provide tailored guidance based on your region and grass type. Contact Turf Magic at (478) 342-1689, [email protected]

  1. Weed Prevention: Pre-emergent herbicides create a barrier in the soil that prevents weed seeds from germinating. Fall is a critical time for weed prevention because many weed species start to produce and disperse seeds during this season. By applying pre-emergent in the fall, you can stop weed seeds from establishing themselves in your lawn before they even sprout.
  2. Timing: Fall is the ideal time to apply pre-emergent herbicides for warm-season turf because it allows the product to establish a protective barrier in the soil before winter and before spring weeds begin to germinate. It provides long-lasting weed control for the following spring and summer.
  3. Reduced Competition: Warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass, typically go dormant during the winter months. Applying pre-emergent in the fall ensures that the grass is not actively growing, reducing the risk of herbicide damage to the turf while effectively controlling weeds.
  4. Increased Effectiveness: Fall applications of pre-emergent are effective against cool-season weeds like annual bluegrass, henbit, and chickweed, which tend to germinate in the fall and thrive in the cooler months. By applying pre-emergent in the fall, you can prevent these winter weeds from taking over your lawn.
  5. Improved Lawn Health: Weeds can compete with your warm-season grass for essential resources like water, nutrients, and sunlight. By preventing weed growth in the fall, you help your turfgrass maintain a healthy and vigorous state, making it more resilient to stressors and less susceptible to weed infestations in the coming growing season.
  6. Cost Savings: Preventing weed growth with pre-emergent herbicides in the fall can reduce the need for costly post-emergent herbicides and additional maintenance later in the year. It's a proactive approach to weed control that can save you time and money in the long run.

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Fertilization is an essential part of maintaining a happy and healthy lawn in Georgia, but it needs to be done at certain times of the year to ensure the best results. The first time of the year you should fertilize your lawn is in the spring to help your grass green up faster and start the growing season off on the right foot. The second time of the year you should fertilize your lawn is later in the spring so that your grass gets a full replenishment of nutrients and is prepared for the hot summer season. Lastly, you should fertilize your lawn once in the summer to supply your lawn with the nutrients it needs to make it through the summer and bounce back from any heat-related stressors. Keep reading to learn more about the perfect fertilization schedule for your lawn in Georgia!This is a subtitle for your new post
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